The Intrepid's island.

Fighting I Fund

Intrepid, whose hull number was CV-11, repeatedly endured kamikaze attacks and torpedo strikes throughout World War II. Despite these blows, the ship and its crew returned to combat each time, earning the nickname "Fighting I." Your support enables us to preserve Intrepid’s historical spaces, collections and stories so that millions more can learn from all that this ship represents.


Make a Gift

This year, we are celebrating the 80th commissioning anniversary of the aircraft carrier Intrepid, a National Historic Landmark and the centerpiece engineering marvel of the Intrepid Museum. Make an $80 gift (or whatever you can) in support of the Museum's mission to preserve the stories of service and inspire future generations—or you may choose to direct your donation towards one of our many important initiatives. We thank you for your support.


A patch that says "Power Crew" and "USS Intrepid"
Consider Supporting the Intrepid Museum

We hope you will join us in supporting the exhibitions, programs and ongoing preservation efforts that honor the legacy of Intrepid and inspire all visitors who walk its historic decks.


A close up of the propeller of an airplane with a blue sky in the background.
Two children play inside a mock space capsule located in the Museum's Exploreum

Explore an array of unforgettable experiences.

A man and woman read an exhibit panel on Intrepid's flight deck while their child points at the propeller of an aircraft.

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