growler crew

Growler FCMs and Submarine School Students Enjoy Special Day

Sep 30, 2010 - 2:04pm

Former Crew Members of the Growler Submarine visited the Intrepid complex on Thursday for a special day with a class of students from the Naval Submarine School in Groton, CT.

The Former Crew Members and students from the “Growler Class of 2010” at Groton enjoyed a lecture from Intrepid Curator of History Jessica Williams and then took a private tour of the Growler where the Former Crew Members shared stories and personal experiences from their time aboard.

The former USS Growler (SSG-577) is the only strategic missile submarine open to the public anywhere in the world. The Growler is a diesel-powered submarine that carried, launched, and guided Regulus I nuclear missiles. Commissioned in 1958 and on active duty for only six years, the Growler’s well-preserved interiors offer an excellent look back into the Cold War 1950s and 1960s. The Growler was decommissioned in 1964 and was scheduled to be destroyed as a test target. Much like the aircraft carrier Intrepid, the Growler was saved by the dedication of a very few committed individuals. She became part of the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in 1989 and re-opened in May 2009 after a major refurbishment.

A man and woman read an exhibit panel on Intrepid's flight deck while their child points at the propeller of an aircraft.

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