police appreciation weekend

Police Appreciation Weekend at Intrepid Museum - 2010

Aug 19, 2010 - 11:05am

Intrepid was proud to salute the brave men and women of the police department this past weekend during Police Appreciation Weekend. Interactive displays from both NYPD and New Jersey’s Bergen County Sheriff’s Department lined Intrepid’s pier for the weekend, which is part of Intrepid’s Summer Salute to Heroes.  Law enforcement officers received free admission to Intrepid and their families were eligible for a 25% discount.

NYPD’s Scuba Unit showcased their equipment and even performed a dive in the Hudson near the Growler Submarine. Also, there was the NYPD Emergency Service K-9 Unit as well as the Mounted Unit.  Bergen County brought displays from their Youth Leadership group and Sheriff's emergency response team and also brought along the K-9 unit, and even the NY Police Museum was on hand – showing kids how to take fingerprints.

A man and woman read an exhibit panel on Intrepid's flight deck while their child points at the propeller of an aircraft.

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