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NASA Stars at Kids Week

Feb 21, 2018 - 10:40am

Kids Week launches into space on February 22–24, with activities and talks by visionaries and explorers at NASA. Get a deeper look into the universe from a few special guests appearing at the Museum this week.

Kids Week launches into space on February 22–24, with activities and talks by visionaries and explorers at NASA. Get a deeper look into the universe from a few special guests appearing at the Museum this week.

Astronaut Peggy Whitson

Sat, Feb 24, 2:30pm

Peggy has spent a total of 665 days in space—that’s almost two years of her life, longer than any U.S. astronaut and longer than any woman in the world.

She’s also the first woman to have commanded the International Space Station twice. In her time in space, she has helped advance scientific research that is deepening our understanding of biology, biotechnology and Earth science.

Don’t miss your chance to hear about life in space from this bold, brave, record-breaking explorer.

astronaut peggy whitson

Allison Bolinger

Workshop on Thurs, Feb 22, and Fri, Feb 23, at 1:30pm

Presentation on Thurs, Feb 22, 2:30pm • Fri, Feb 23, 3:00pm • Sat, Feb 24, 1:00pm

Allison can talk the talk and walk the walk. She’s a spacewalk flight controller and manager of NASA’s astronaut training program. She also works in mission control, assisting astronauts on the International Space Station. She’s leading a workshop on how to build a space station and giving a talk about teaching astronauts to walk in space.

Allison Bolinger spacewalk flight controller

Former Astronaut Mike Massimino

Fri, Feb 23, 8:00pm • Sat, Feb 24, 2:30pm

Mike is the senior advisor of space programs here at the Museum—for good reason! A veteran of two spaceflights, he completed two space shuttle missions to repair the Hubble Space Telescope. He’ll introduce Peggy Whitson before her talk, and he’ll be appearing at our Special Astronomy Night on Friday evening!

miked massimino asrtonaut

Kevin Hussey

Thurs, Feb 22, 10:00am–5:00pm

Eager to explore the universe but not quite packed? Kevin, manager of visualization technology applications at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, will show you how to explore the solar system and beyond using NASA’s Eyes—technology that you can access right on your own computer!

kevin hussey NASA

Jason Kalirai

Thurs, Feb 22, 1:00pm • Fri, Feb 23, noon

Jason is an astrophysicist at the Space Telescope Science Institute and a project scientist for the James Webb Space Telescope—the successor to Hubble set to launch next year. He’ll talk about the hunt for Earth-like planets and how NASA’s new telescope will revolutionize our understanding of the universe. #nobigdeal

jason kalirai astrophsyicist at nasa
A man and woman read an exhibit panel on Intrepid's flight deck while their child points at the propeller of an aircraft.

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