From left to right: Assemblyman Joseph Lentol (Brooklyn), Assemblyman Richard Gottfried (Manhattan), Assemblyman David Weprin (Queens), Intrepid Executive Director Susan Marenoff, Assemblyman Michael DenDekker (Queens), Assemblywoman Grace Meng (Queens), Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal (Manhattan)

NY State Assembly Members Pass Resolution to Help Secure a Decommissioned NASA Space Shuttle

Aug 18, 2010 - 9:49am

A group of New York State Assembly Members presented a copy of a recently unanimously passed resolution that supports the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum’s efforts to secure a decommissioned space shuttle to Susan Marenoff, the Intrepid’s Executive Director, on Tuesday, August 17th on the Flight Deck.  The members of the NYS Assembly in attendance were Michael DenDekker (D-Queens), Richard Gottfried (D-Manhattan), Joseph Lentol (D-Brooklyn), Grace Meng (D-Queens), Linda Rosenthal (D-Manhattan), and David Weprin (D-Queens). 

A man and woman read an exhibit panel on Intrepid's flight deck while their child points at the propeller of an aircraft.

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